My daughter got into the Tisch school at NYU and they required the death shot. We tried a medical exemption and they refused it. Then we got a New York lawyer to help us write a religious exemption and they accepted it. Really evil brainwashed morons. Thanks for your great work.

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An eye-opening experience to me was moving several years ago (pre-covid) to California’s Nevada County, which had the lowest vaccination rate in the state. Before then, I completely believed all the propaganda that vaccinations were absolutely necessary. Since moving here, I met numerous healthy adults in their 30s-40s who have never been vaccinated- and they are very healthy. There aren’t terrible outbreaks of illnesses here. I’m sure it helps that it’s a rural area.

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The vaccine destroys your immune system so it all makes sense now

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I live in Orangevale and people are much wiser there. San Fran and Marin is full of over educated and ambitious upper middle class morons.

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I work ‘inside the whale’ (in Europe not the US) & what I notice with my colleagues is that they really believe that these vaccines are all that stands between them & certain death. I mean, they really believe it. They’re frightened. I have colleagues - healthy, slim, non-diabetic middle aged people- who are so frightened they haven’t eaten in a restaurant or a friend’s home or gone shopping in person since 2020, despite being multiply vaccinated. These are mid/senior level bureaucrats with influence over public policy decisions.

I’m not convinced that at the bureaucratic level you describe it’s as straightforward as wanting to eliminate the control group (though I agree entirely that at the highest levels of the public health establishment that is the objective).

At this level- professional managerial class with influence over the policy of public institutions - I honestly think it’s more of a religion. Not corruption, not deliberate dishonesty, but blind, demented passionate faith. The kind of faith that gives meaning to life in a secular society.

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I don't disagree with anything that you wrote. I would add that many of these terrified people are lashing out at the unvaccinated because they want a scapegoat for their own fear.

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Do you see any dissent within this class, expressed either privately or within government circles?

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Western University and University of Toronto, as well......... it's not going away until attendance is low....students and parents need to stand up and also be prepared to be inconvenienced.....it would be only for a short time or this will never end.......

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1. Those still insistent on mandates for injecting toxic substances into the bloodstream - despite all the new data released, despite the lack of testing, despite all the cover-ups by corporations and agencies - fine. BUT first accept both legal and moral liability for any adverse events, either near-term or in future. They act so confident in the rightness of their actions, then they should have no problems accepting liability. 2. Drug companies have for decades propagated this false notion that we do not possess innate immunity, and that immunity is best conferred by injecting toxic substances into our bloodstream. Many, including so-called experts, have bought into this - but doesn’t mean it’s true.

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This is outstandingly remarkable. You nailed it. Thank you so much.

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mandates would be morally repugnant even if the disease in question was as deadly as smallpox (it isn't), even if the vaccines were effective (they aren't), even if they were safe (they aren't), even if natural immunity didn't exist (it does) and even if there weren't cheap, effective and safe treatments for the virus (there are).

i also read that Berkeley was requiring students who did not get a flu shot to wear masks on campus, which will make them targets for discrimination. some kind of sick mission creep.

stop going to these schools and giving them your $$$. when the tuition pots are empty, the insanity will stop

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One rationale is that by this mandate they exclude those that will question authority (same w the obscene military mandates). For the UCs and Ivies etc the powers that be want to deny access to kids that can think for themselves and thereby create a compliant generation. The criminals running these schools should know, however, that results may vary: (a) compliant kids may prove to be useless employees much less innovators; and (b) these schools will lose their elite status.

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Agree. Many of my acquaintances of my age (I'm 53) who themselves attended elite universities are already not sending their own children to similar institutions, for various reasons.

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Same. Our daughter w scores to go wherever (including my AM Dartmouth) just started at Pepperdine, a school w/o a mandate. Strangely: applicant yield at P is way up; and few of her new friends are jabbed. Self selecting into a group of thinkers.

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This is exactly what I'm thinking. Eliminate the critical minds but recognize them in case you need to send dissenters to the camps.

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I agree with many of your points but I think you help create a divide between the naturally immune and the rest of the unvaccinated. Rand Paul does this constantly as he wishes his own natural immunity be accepted but there are several problems with this approach. Let's say natural immunity is accepted (as it is in the EU), then the number of people who are resisting becomes an even smaller pool as those who can prove they have natural immunity suddenly join in the vaccinated pool. The other problem is that they can always put an expiry date on one's natural immunity which I believe some countries have done where natural immunity is considered expired in 6 months. The third problem is what about another virus? Will the people who want their vaccine pass based on natural immunity also end up with immunity to that one? Sure it's wrong to require the naturally immune to get vaccinated but it's also wrong to require a young male with some mild heart issues who has a much higher chance of getitng myo from the vaccine than most people including many with natural immunity. Distinguishing between those with natural immunity and those without shouldn't even be part of any discussion because that still means requiring papers to prove one's immunization status. This fight needs to be about bodily autonomy for everyone regardless of their immunization status.

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You misconstrued my position. I am not suggesting that natural immunity be recognized for the purpose of some sort of immunity passport. Note where I write: "covid vax mandates would be morally abhorrent even if natural immunity were recognized." And not that it matters, but I myself am without any sort of recognized natural immunity. I have never tested positive for covid (in fact, I have never been tested for covid), and though I have been tested for covid antibodies on four separate occasions, I don't have any.

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Yes I read that bit but in your tweet you mention (paraphrasing) that one of the most sinister policies is forcing vaccination on those who are naturally recovered.

Forcing vaccination on anyone is sinister whether they have been previously vaccinated or not. While the trials eliminated those who had covid, they also eliminated people with certain health issues as well some of which are now at very high risk of serious side effects and they too are being forced as doctors are very strongly discouraged from writing any medical exemptions.

While you may not advocate the use of natural immunity for the purpose of a passport, there are many who do. Note such proof is accepted in the EU and Israel which I expect helped bring about vaccine passports in those regions. I would not be surprised if this will be the next push as CDC has now suddenly recognized natural immunity as equal to the vaccine even though the latter does not provide immunity. One indication that this may be on the horizon is your own example of Berkeley where a year ago natural immunity would not have been accepted but now they provide a 3 month pass.

My point is that while yes, it was obviously non-scientific for the CDC to not recognize natural immunity, which is a mark against this agency, the idea of recognizing immunity should be abolished in terms of access to jobs, education etc. I think when we focus on those who are naturally immune being forced to take the vaccine, we lose sight of the bigger picture which is that no one should be forced into taking any medical procedure against their will.

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Oops I meant previously infected not vaccinated here:

Forcing vaccination on anyone is sinister whether they have been previously infected or not.

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I can't believe what has happened to Cal. I hang my head low in disgust.

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Fucking evil morons. Chance of death 1% or less. It's so fucking easy to be effective against 1% chance of dying. Vitamin D will just do that. People can't do math. But hey in an era where everybody should be a trans because everybody's getting mentally ill, what do you expect.

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Oh. Maybe they took out life insurance policies on all of those students, so when they die the college benefits- just saying

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As judy mickovitch said its all about covering it up! When everyone is vaxxed it will cloud the issue, and all the data will be meaningless!!!

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My daughter is a grad student at Berkeley. Makes me ill that she was forced to get the covid vax (2 shots) + 1 booster. I hope she can get out before the new booster (tested on only 8 rats and no humans) is required. Forced vaccination (of an experimental, untested "vaccine") for a healthy young person added ZERO benefit to anyone and added RISK to my daughter. Hoping no serious long-term risk. Absolutely tyrannical!

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