California is an Evil Empire
Berkeley will not allow students on campus unless they have been boosted.
For the past 2.5 years American doctors and health officials have committed one atrocity after another. One of the most horrific was the forced “vaccination” of the covid-recovered. Untold millions of people who had covid and recovered were forced to subsequently submit to multiple injections of the covid “vaccines” in order to keep their jobs, or eat at a restaurant, or go to college.
We cannot allow those in power to pretend that this did not happen. We cannot allow them to pretend that it was not evil.
Recall that the drug trials only enrolled people who had never had covid.
So, not only did doctors and health officials force all those millions of people to submit to injections of drugs without any evidence of benefit, they forced them to do so with no assurance of safety.
And it’s not over. They are still doing it at many universities.
There are nearly 300,000 students enrolled in the University of California system. They cannot register for classes unless they have been “boosted.”
If you have recently had covid, then you can defer the booster shot for a maximum of 90 days. After 90 days, you will automatically be dis-enrolled from all of your classes if you have not been boosted.
Berkeley is so committed to forcing every single student to get vaccinated that they will not allow students on campus at all, even to go for a walk outside, unless they have been boosted.
Students are reminded that compliance with the vaccination policy is a condition of being physically on campus.
What might be the explanation for such deranged, unscientific policies?
Certainly, California wants to eliminate nonconformity of any kind. Certainly, freedom of thought is feared and mistrusted. And certainly, obedience is prized as the ultimate virtue.
But there is more to it than that. It is in service of The Big Lie. The Big Lie is that the covid vaccines saved millions of lives.
If there are enough people who are unvaccinated but don’t get sick, let alone die, that shows that vaccination was not necessary. But if everyone is vaccinated, then regardless of what happens, those in power can claim that the vaccines saved us all.
The ultimate goal of California’s insistence that every single student succumb to covid vaccination is to eliminate the control group, and thus to engineer a world in which it is impossible to evaluate vaccine effectiveness.
These monsters in human form are determined to cast themselves as saviors. They don’t care about the students. They don’t care about the truth. They will do anything in service of The Big Lie.
There is a word for it when those with power force people to do things that they do not want to do in order to further their own agenda. That word is evil.
My daughter got into the Tisch school at NYU and they required the death shot. We tried a medical exemption and they refused it. Then we got a New York lawyer to help us write a religious exemption and they accepted it. Really evil brainwashed morons. Thanks for your great work.
An eye-opening experience to me was moving several years ago (pre-covid) to California’s Nevada County, which had the lowest vaccination rate in the state. Before then, I completely believed all the propaganda that vaccinations were absolutely necessary. Since moving here, I met numerous healthy adults in their 30s-40s who have never been vaccinated- and they are very healthy. There aren’t terrible outbreaks of illnesses here. I’m sure it helps that it’s a rural area.