as a friend said the other day "i feel like i've had my nose pushed in dog shit for the past 2 1/2 years and now i'm just supposed to forget that so everyone can pretend like nothing happened." well, no way.

sadly, i learned that people i thought were close friends would have willingly loaded jews onto boxcars back in the day. you can't forgive that.

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and they are ready and willing to load those same boxcars with the new jews today.

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The hardest a woman will breathe and work in her life will be while she is in labour. It was patient abuse to mask these women during Labour.

Let me add the FACT that only woman can be pregnant, in labour and deliver a baby.

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You are still the best Daniel! I share/post so many of your substack articles on Twitter but they probably block/shadow ban me. You and Jennifer are courageous, powerful voices. Never stop!!

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There was never a "pandemic". I lived ONE BLOCK from a 450+ tents/structures junkie tent-city during the entire "KILLER COVID PANDEMIC RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!" year. I knew some of these people enough that we were friendly on a daily basis. Guess how many tent-city junkies died of "pandemic"? ZERO. Let that sink in.

The braindead CNN puppet should be jailed for life. The hospitals (and braindead employees) that masked labouring and delivering women, and women with their newborns, should be razed. HUMAN FILTH.

Makes me PUKE.

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Summing up in one paragraph all your excellent points: Those who irresponsibly uttered convenient falsehoods - without proper evidence nor even applying common sense, and who continue to do so even when the information/data is now clear - should be held liable in some way; because if they are not, they will repeat such inanity. This is especially as at no time did they ever bother about Prevention, in all its aspects - from banning GOF research to real health and wellness care, a big part of the latter means no negligent use/overuse of pharma drugs (as seen for e.g. in superbug emergence, opioid crisis, etc); but focussing on better real food from healthy soil vs chemicals, a cleaner environment, respectful care for the elderly ... The list can go on and on; but at the heart of it, pro-people vs pro-greed choices.

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Agree on all counts. Well said.

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Something should be done. We should take billboard space out for these guys and advertise what they have done over and over in an effort that it will never be done again.

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OMG!!!! I didn't even realize they would make women wear masks during child birth...of course..... this has to STOP........

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It is mind boggling.

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Have you seen this or heard about this....



David goes into massive RICO crimes surrounding Trudeau family and Gates family.

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