All those who ordered lockdowns and school shutdowns must lose their jobs.
All those who made women give birth in masks, and made toddlers in diapers wear masks, and made high schoolers play sports and play music in masks, must be publicly shamed.
Covid is a highly transmissible respiratory virus.
All efforts to “control” covid have failed.
Luckily, covid is not dangerous to most humans.
If you are under 70 years old and reasonably healthy, then the chance that a covid infection will kill you is effectively 0.
If you are under 18 years old and reasonably healthy, then the chance that a covid infection will kill you is literally 0.
You have probably heard stories of young and healthy people who died from covid. To the extent that such people exist, their deaths were iatrogenic — most damningly, the systemic over-ventilation of covid patients that occurred early in the pandemic.
Regardless of what is written on their death certificates, these patients were killed by a doctor, not by covid. The deaths by ventilator are excruciatingly ironic, as lockdowns were initially justified by a supposed ventilator shortage.
The pandemic is over. The reckoning must begin.
All those who ordered lockdowns and school shutdowns must lose their jobs.
All those who generated an atmosphere of fear and paranoia and then leveraged that fear and paranoia for their own wealth and power must be held to account.
All those who issued no visitor bans in hospitals and nursing homes must be held responsible for deaths of despair and last words never spoken.
All those who told families to ostracize their unvaxxed relatives must be ostracized by their own relatives.
All those who made women give birth in masks, and made toddlers in diapers wear masks, and made high schoolers play sports and play music in masks, must be publicly shamed.
All the “experts” who guaranteed that the covid vaccines were safe and effective must be investigated.
All the government and health officials who forced people to submit to experimental drug injections without their full, informed consent must be locked up.
as a friend said the other day "i feel like i've had my nose pushed in dog shit for the past 2 1/2 years and now i'm just supposed to forget that so everyone can pretend like nothing happened." well, no way.
sadly, i learned that people i thought were close friends would have willingly loaded jews onto boxcars back in the day. you can't forgive that.
The hardest a woman will breathe and work in her life will be while she is in labour. It was patient abuse to mask these women during Labour.
Let me add the FACT that only woman can be pregnant, in labour and deliver a baby.