I'll add one more. Police have been called on me more times than I can count. Sometimes I engaged them because they showed up in time. Usually I was gone before they arrived if they ever did.

The conversation always went one way, this is private property, they can tell you to use a mask or leave.

The times it was government property or outside I would ask what law I violated. They said it was a health policy, I asked for the Bill number that my state passed to make me wear a mask, they said the governor made the call. I then asked if the governor can make law.

The circular arguments went on like this and the end result was they would arrest me, again citing no law broken.

I used to somewhat respect police, now I have very limited respect to none. They are loyal to a paycheck only. I've always wondered how the people of Germany went along with Hitler. Now we know, we have clear evidence of a mass formation psychosis and police that only care about their jobs. It's a simple formula.

I also have too comment on the backboneless people in general. They disgust me.

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Yes. Police, like the bureaucrats, politicians, doctors and nurses, are frankly too stupid to see that it will be their children, grandchildren, wives, husbands, brothers, sisters, parents, that will be suffering at the hands of another anonymous narrative enforcer down the track.

As you say, much like the Germans in the 1930s so eager to send their children off to die, and to destroy the lives of 'others', these brainwashed fools will follow right to their own bitter end. Trouble is they'll, only too happily, take the rest of us with them.

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My heart goes out to you. I was born and spent most of my life in SF (and LA). I have an MBA, have held senior positions in the finance world, and have owned houses in SF, Marin and the Peninsula. I am very comfortable with numbers/stats. For decades I’ve been basically apolitical. To watch this whole pandemic public policy response unfold, especially in CA, has seemed so irrational to me. It is the worst kind of manipulation, where authority takes advantage of the general population’s trust and sense of community to force compassionate, good people to do irrational, self-damaging things under the guise of “helping others.” And then these former “good” people turn on their neighbors. The populations’ trust in “experts” combined with the inability to do basic research into the primary data has been eye opening. We blindly accepted mandates for experimental injectable products from an industry that has a history of putting profits ahead of people. No matter what you believe, nobody knows whether these products are safe, because there is NO long term data. Period. All one had to do was a small amount of basic research online to realize we were regularly being lied to about so many things, but the more I tried to share my research with others the more they maligned me as a “Trumper” or right wing “anti-vaxxer.” The fact that you continue to state your truth (which I believe is accurate, not because I’m Red or Blue, but because I can research primary data), the more gratitude I have for your commitment. It takes character to walk alone through the wilderness, babbling to the world with only the strength of your convictions as a companion. Thank you! Thank You! You may never be accepted as “right” but you will always know you did the “right” thing. BTW, I no longer live in CA.

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Thank you for the kind words. I, too, no longer live in California.

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The willingness of politicians to lie incessantly, shamelessly, and overtly, even counter-productively, without any identifiable sensible reason, has been alarming. It goes far beyond the "politicians are liars" level that we were used to before 2020.

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I refuse to have a Twitter account, never thought about it til this craziness began and I needed to find sanity. I found your account somehow and would check in on your account until that crazy company made it almost impossible to look at it without an account. Anyway, glad to have you on Substack. I still live in CA for now and survived both the mandate at work and speaking against it. I teach science at a community college and it has been a struggle. I want to go back to my board of trustees with my anti mandate remarks from last year and update them on how right I was.

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You didn’t say anything that controversial back then. But this silencing of dissenters has been the MO of pharma for decades. They see it as a risk to their profits. Their excessive profits have allowed them to “purchase” services from politicians, agencies, media outlets, trolls/shills, etc. It really is time to end this broken model and switch to one that puts people-over-profits. Otherwise, we are condemned to never-ending disease and loss of well-being.

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I remember many of these. You've been right all along.

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It was horrible and it was all pointless. Thanks for continuing to draw attention to it.

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The California Air Resources Board has been forced into the ridiculous position of posting this statement, "While cloth face coverings offer protection against COVID-19 virus spread, they do not provide protection against smoke particles." Really? How is that possible? There is an accompanying graphic, titled "Choose the right smoke mask." On the left is a NIOSH 95 respirator labeled as "Smoke and Covid", on the right is a cloth face covering labeled "Covid". This contradictory guidance is found in many states' wildfire smoke mitigation guidance, demonstrating the tension between the need to provide real, scientific information and covid policy. https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/protecting-yourself-wildfire-smoke They are trying to prevent citizens from making the logical leap, "If my Paw Patrol cloth mask purchased off Etsy can stop Covid, it must be effective on smoke". I expand on this here. https://karlkanthak.substack.com/p/wait-masks-that-dont-work-on-smoke

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"combat medic in the Israel Defense Forces" - I am thinking this puts you at "next level" status. Thanks

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It would be interesting to listen to Daniel and Jessica Hockett ("Emma Woodhouse") talk to each other about their comparative struggles against lockdowns and school shutdowns and their activities on and eventual cancellation by Twitter.

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I agree! Although Jessica and I have profound differences (religion; politics; lifestyle) we have so much in common that we sometimes jokingly call each other cosmic twins.

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That's what would make it interesting: the mix of commonalities and discrepancies (and open disagreements). It wouldn't be one of those podcasts where two people nod their heads at each other.

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I'm in. :)

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In my "mission" for my son with Autism, I have a "Israeli Twin Sister". It's a perfect match :) Love to hear this is it happens. Thanks

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Not trying to be 'clever-funny' when I say that none of us expected a global cult to spring up in our lifetimes. It was/is a cult. A CULT.

Were labouring/delivering women made to mask? I don't know because I didn't see them and haven't seen testimony from labour/delivery RNs. I know they were made to mask with their newborns (!!??). And children in schools! And children IN SPORTS. Tiny masked children on playgrounds. I'll never forget seeing masked infants in strollers.

A death cult. And their parents participated. And their parents killshot them. KILLSHOT THEM.

How do you wrap your head around that? I'm a mother. I can't.

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Believe it or night, many women were forced to give birth with masks on. For all I know, there are places where they still require them.

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Actually to labour and birth? Not doubting; but wanting confirmation. You've seen MDs or RNs say it? Beyond unthinkable.

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