
We Are Americans. We Were Born Free.

But freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.

I am 53 years old. I have no allergies. I take no medications. I take no vitamins. I take no supplements.

I drink 3 or 4 cups of coffee every day. I drink 5 or 6 beers every day. I almost never drink water.

I eat red meat almost every day. I eat salty foods every day.

I do not go to bed at the same time every day. I have no trouble falling asleep. I have no trouble getting up. I sleep about 6 hours a night.

I never wear sunscreen.

I smoke cigarettes sometimes. I smoke weed sometimes.

I ride a bike sometimes. I never wear a helmet.

I can hold a handstand for several minutes. I can touch my toes. I can run a 7 minute mile. I ran a marathon at age 50.

I have an optometrist. I have a dentist. I do not have a doctor. I haven’t had a doctor since I was in high school.

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I have 2 children, ages 8 and 5. Neither of them has been to see a doctor for any reason for several years. When asked on school or camp forms who their pediatrician is, I write “none.”

My children eat candy or ice cream every day. They eat at McDonald’s every week.

My children and I have never been vaccinated against covid. We have never been tested for covid. We have never tried to avoid covid. We have never been sick with covid.

I accept the reality that all human beings get sick. I accept the reality that one day I will die.

I do not want doctors to tell me or my family how to live. I do not want public health officials to tell me or my family how to live. I do not want the government to tell me or my family how to live.

We are Americans. We were born free. And we will fight to the death if anyone tries to take our freedom away.

In the immortal words of Ronald Reagan:

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.

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