Africa is the Control Group
Africa is by far the least vaccinated continent and also has by far the fewest covid deaths.
The four most populous countries in Africa are Nigeria (217 million people), Ethiopia (121 million), Egypt (106 million), and The Democratic Republic of Congo (95 million).
Here are the number of covid vaccine doses that have been administered per 100 people in these countries:
Nigeria: 26.3
Ethiopia: 43.6
Egypt: 87.1
DR of Congo: 3.9
And here is a chart showing the number of covid deaths in these countries:
If you have trouble reading or interpreting the chart, I can help you. The most deaths, both in absolute terms and per capita, are in Egypt, followed by Ethiopia, then Nigeria, and then the DR of Congo.
The number of covid deaths per capita is inversely proportional to the number of covid vaccine doses per capita.
What’s more, the fewer vaccine doses per capita, the sooner people stopped dying. Far from ending the pandemic, the “vaccines” appear to have prolonged it.
As dramatic as the differences are within Africa, they are negligible compared to the differences between African countries and those everywhere else.
Here are daily covid deaths in Egypt compared with France, which has a population of 65 million and has administered 220 vaccine doses per 100 people. So, France has a population that is not even two-thirds that of Egypt’s, and they have administered well more than twice as many doses per capita:
I truly do not understand how anyone could look at this chart and still believe that the covid vaccines save lives.
For fun, let's compare covid deaths in Nigeria with those in Canada. Canada has a population of fewer than 40 million and they have administered 230 covid vaccine doses per 100 people, even more than France.
Canada vaccinated everyone multiple times, while Nigeria hardly vaccinated anyone. Why is no one dying from covid anymore in Nigeria, but they still are in Canada?
If the vaccines are lifesavers, why isn’t everyone in Nigeria dead?
Nigeria, and Africa as a whole, are like the proverbial elephant in the room. No one seems to notice what is happening there, even though it should be glaringly obvious to everyone.
Africa is the only continent in the world in which the vast majority of people have not been vaccinated against covid. Therefore, they function as a control group.
The evidence from the control group is overwhelming — the covid vaccines have not saved lives. Not only that, the vaccines appear to be prolonging the pandemic.
Another difference is that most of Africa either did not "lock down" or did so very partially and for short periods of time, basically because these are not laptop-economies and people need to get out and physically work.
Also, there was very little mask wearing in most of Africa, again for financial reasons.
Hmm ... no lockdowns, no masks and no injections ... most Africans should be dead of C19, right?
But, let's not allow incovenient evidence to get in the way of cute feel-good policy.
When you peddle gasoline as fire retardant you end up with a virtuous cycle for those profiting from selling the gas. The higher the flames, the more fire retardant is required. It never ends until the arsonists are arrested.